Beam Power Pentode
Tests Good. Has a Slightly Loose Cap.
The Sylvania 6JE6C / 6LQ6 Vacuum Tube is a Duodecar type
used as a horizontal-deflection amplifier in
color and bw tv receivers. It is also used
extensively in Ham and Short Wave radios.
It requires a duodecar
9-contact socket.
Electrical Data:
Heater Voltage .............. 6.3 V
Heater Current .............. 2.3 A
Maximum Heater-Cathode Voltage
Heater Positive with Respect to Cathode
Total DC and Peak ............... 200 V
Heater Negative with Respect to Cathode
DC Component .............................. 100 V
Total DC and Peak ......................... 200 V
Substitutes ................6LQ6, 6MJ6
For a more serious heavy duty tube, try a 6MJ6!
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