Double Triode
The Russian 6N6P / 6H6N double triode vacuum tube is
designed for low frequency power amplification. The
6N6P / 6H6N double triodes are miniature devices enclosed
in a glass bulb and provided with a nine-pin base and an
indirectly heated oxide-coated cathode.
The 6n6p double triodes are resistant to ambient
temperature from -60 to +70C and relative humidity of 95
to 98% at +40C, as well as to mechanical loads: linear
loads up to 100 g, vibration loads up to 2.5 g, and
single impact loads up to 500 g and multiple impact loads
up to 12 g.
The Chinese substitute or equivalent for the 6H6p / 6H6N
tube is 6N6. 6H6p / 6H6N tubes are Great for preamps and
driver stages. 6H6p / 6H6N tubes are also used as output
tubes in Little Dot MkIII headphone amps.
Type: double triode, pulse
Application: LF power amplification in pulse mode;
Cathode type: oxide, indirect heating
Envelope: glass, miniature
Filament voltage, V: 6,3
Filament current, A: 0,59-0,81
Anode voltage, V: 120
Anode current, A: 0,02-0,04
Anode power, W: 4,8
Grid1 voltage, V: minus 2
Steepness, mA/V: 8,1-13,9
Reverse grid current, uA: 0,5
Microphonic noise, mV: 100
Gain: 16,0-24,0
6N6P / 6H6N vacuum tubes last about 2000 hours.
Preferred Substitutes .............. 6H6N, 6H6P,
6H6n-i, 6N6, 6N6n-i, 6N6p, 6N6PI, 6N6pi, 6N6p-i, E182CC,