The Clarostat 23-55-F is a resistor tube or Ballast tube.
The 23-55-F replaces tubes starting with BK, BL, K, L, or M with numbers 23 to 55 and ending
in F, G, or H.
The Clarostat 23-55-F Ballast tube is a resistor mounted within a glass or
metal envelop and connected to a tube base. This tube
plugs into a regular octal or four-prong (UX) type
socket. Ballast tube, besides dissipating the excess
voltage, also compensates for voltage variations of the
line, making it constant across the load. If voltage
increases, ballast resistor gets hotter, its resistance
goes up, and the voltage drop increases. If voltage
decreases, ballast resistor gets colder, its resistance
drops, and the voltage drop decreases. Some ballast
tubes also have a voltage divider to supply current to
the pilot lamps. The RMA code for ballast resistors
consists of a prefix of one or two letters, a central
number, and a sufix of one or two letters. The number
gives the total voltage drop, including that across
the pilot lamp, if it is the case.
Preferred Substitutes: ......................... 23-55-E, L-49-E1
Part numbers: 140716. #140716, 275165, #275165.
Ballast Resistance Code Table:
B | Ballast action on the pilot light. It may be ommitted. |
K | Type of pilot lamp - 6.3 volts, 150 ma (No. 40 or 47) |
L | Type of pilot lamp - 6.3 volts, 250 ma (No. 44 or 46) |
M | Type of pilot lamp - 6.3 volts, 200 ma (No. 50 or 51) |
X | Ballast tube has a four-prong base (UX type). It may be ommitted. |
Any | Total voltage drop across the resistance, including the pilot lamp(s) ~ Examples:
23-55, or 49 and etc.
First letter | Circuit arrangement of the ballast tube. See basing diagrams below.
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